Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Rio de Janeiro - Manaus
15 May 2011
Time: 1100
Flight time: 3 hrs 50 mins

Our buses take us to Manaus, a city
in the middle of the jungle.  Manaus is 1,600km inland up the Amazon and is only accessible by air or by river. 

Manaus Opera House constructed by rubber barons.

On reflection ...

Inside the opera house

Every opera House should have cherubs

Our Amazon River Boat

Our river cruiser contact details

Along the Amazon shores

Slums on stilts

The dunny out the back

Washing day

Meeting of the waters, where the Rio Negro meets the Amazon

The floating world 

A long long bridge over the Amazon, not yet complete

These are the biggest lily pads in the world

They are also the prickliest.

The Tropical Hotel, Manaus. Its corridors stretch to a vanishing point.

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